Radical Grace

Today was a day feared by many, as Burundians went to the polls in a referendum on changing the constitution. We were told to lie low and stay indoors. As the day draws to a close, it looks like it has all gone peacefully, with the results to follow shortly – although we all know the result already.

I had an important meeting upcountry, so went ahead with that, with the wonderful result that Gitega International Academy has qualified for international accreditation with ACSI, which is a massive feat, achieved in record time. Well done Freddy, Opondo, and GIA and YFC staff! Great news!

Below is my latest sermon, given last weekend in the UK, from which I flew back two days ago. It involves probably my favourite Jesus encounter in the gospels, and is called ‘Radical Grace’


  • Wow. What a clear presentation on who Jesus is, and what great GRACE He extends! Oh may my life explode with this truth!

  • Hello,

    I was profoundly moved & encouraged by this message, and the examples of transformed life.
    Following the listening, I wrote a song in French (as I am french ^^).

    If this could be an encouragement for the church in Burundi, I would love to share lyrics & chords.

    Bénédictions fraternelles,


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