Radical Grace
Today was a day feared by many, as Burundians went to the polls in a referendum on changing the constitution. We were told to lie low and stay indoors. As the day draws to a close, it looks like it has all gone peacefully, with the results to follow shortly – although we all know the result already.
I had an important meeting upcountry, so went ahead with that, with the wonderful result that Gitega International Academy has qualified for international accreditation with ACSI, which is a massive feat, achieved in record time. Well done Freddy, Opondo, and GIA and YFC staff! Great news!
Below is my latest sermon, given last weekend in the UK, from which I flew back two days ago. It involves probably my favourite Jesus encounter in the gospels, and is called ‘Radical Grace’
Astronomical grace, it’s beautiful. Thsnk you so much for sharing.
Wow. What a clear presentation on who Jesus is, and what great GRACE He extends! Oh may my life explode with this truth!
I was profoundly moved & encouraged by this message, and the examples of transformed life.
Following the listening, I wrote a song in French (as I am french ^^).
If this could be an encouragement for the church in Burundi, I would love to share lyrics & chords.
Bénédictions fraternelles,