Bird-Turd-Splattered at Buckingham Palace!

It was a memorable day in more ways than one… We’d only just flown in from Africa the day before, and for logistical reasons were coming in by car from Southampton (Lizzie, her Dad, and the boys) and by train (Grace, my parents and I) from Henley. When the British Ambassador rang me asking if we’d be willing to accept the award of an MBE – apart from thinking he was joking – I asked him if there were reasons not to accept that I might not have thought of. A small number of you have questioned the honours system, […]


Six years ago, there was an empty field. Now there is probably the best campus in the country. The day before we flew out, it was Gitega International Academy’s second graduation. Hot on the heels of gaining ACSI (international) accreditation in record time, it was a fantastic opportunity to showcase the school’s progress and celebrate another year group’s achievements. The national TV cameras were there, and it was a superb event. Below are a few pictures. We’ve managed to raise £13,000 in the last two weeks for urgent (final) building requirements and equipping for the coming year. Once these last […]

GLO-ing from Strength to Strength!

PLEASE READ THIS, IT IS VERY SIGNIFICANT NEWS: After just two months shy of twenty years, I’ve stopped living in Burundi, as of last night. My beloved nation has blessed me beyond imagining – and I don’t use that as a cliché. I came as a single young nutter expecting to die before the age of thirty, and I now leave a balding mature-ish husband and father of three children! I came with dreams to see thousands come to Christ, and we were able to raise a movement that saw hundreds of thousands become followers of Jesus. I came to […]

Summer Speaking Schedule!

Maybe I’ll get to catch you over the summer, here are my movements: Saturday 23rd June – Gitega International Academy Graduation Sunday 24th June – Last preach and farewell at our church in Bujumbura, fly out in the evening Monday 25th June – arrive back in the UK Tuesday 26th June – Buckingham Palace to receive our MBE’s Wednesday 27th June – Long Crendon Baptist Church Friday 29th June – Sports day commentator at King’s school Saturday 30th June – Chez Whites GLO supporters 10-3pm, Tring Sunday1st July – Ivy Sharston in the morning, and then 7pm Saint Philips, Salford […]

The Marriage of the Year – Move Over Harry and Meghan!

In January, I shared with you ‘a fairy tale come true for the ugliest duckling in Burundi’. Well, on Saturday, he got married to his babe, Floride! Nobody, NOBODY, could ever have believed this was possible, from being the ugliest disfigured reject in Burundi twenty one years ago. God is amazing! In 1997, he had seven operations on his body, some lasting 8-10 hours, and was in a coma for four days. His body couldn’t take any more, and the surgeon said maybe a decade later more work could be done. In 2011 and 2012, we flew him to Kenya, […]

The Beginning of the End…

In two weeks’ time, we’ll be back in the UK, and our time as a whole family living together in Burundi will be over. I find that hard to take in. In fact, none of us actually wants to leave. We love this country, and we love living here. So it’s good to be leaving wanting more, rather than counting down the days wanting to scarper as soon as possible! On Friday night, we had a leaving celebration with our favourite Burundian folks. Over 19 years there are a lot of deep relationships. We invited 70 key people together to […]

Beautifully Alive!

The GLO Africa Cycling Tour 2018 was another absolute cracker! This time we had Tallis Woomert blasting around all week taking photos on his motorbike, hence the quality of these beautiful pics. If you want to contact him, his email address is tallis.woomert at gmail dot com, he’s a great guy – all picture credits are his. So the stats vary according to different cyclists’ gadgets, but all in all, we cycled for 7 killer days (2 easy ones actually, relatively!), covered 780km, with the most important statistic being 49,000feet of elevation. Ouch! Actually the most important statistic was all […]

Radical Grace

Today was a day feared by many, as Burundians went to the polls in a referendum on changing the constitution. We were told to lie low and stay indoors. As the day draws to a close, it looks like it has all gone peacefully, with the results to follow shortly – although we all know the result already. I had an important meeting upcountry, so went ahead with that, with the wonderful result that Gitega International Academy has qualified for international accreditation with ACSI, which is a massive feat, achieved in record time. Well done Freddy, Opondo, and GIA and […]

The Beautiful Beginning…

We waited four years and went through umpteen challenges to become totally above-board legitimate owners of this land, and now the work has begun with a vengeance! It’s hard for you to understand the joy in this 30second clip. PTI (Partners Trust International) took the inspired decision not to use big time-efficient diggers to excavate the hillside in a day or two, and instead hire about 250 desperately poor and hungry unemployed folk from the local community to earn just under $2/day to prepare the land for construction in due course. $2/day may seem ridiculously little to a Western mind, […]

Praying for Peace in Burundi…

This short blog is simply a call to prayer for Burundi as we approach the referendum on the 17th May. The referendum is to amend (or not) the constitution to change presidential terms from 5 to 7 years, renewable once. The clock on terms would be reset, so that potentially the current President could continue in power until 2034. There is little doubt which way the referendum will go. Burundi seems currently stable. We personally don’t feel in any danger at all, and our lives go on as normally as ever – which is the line that the government is […]

Amazing Grace Graduates!

Miracles do happen, dreams do come true! It’s with great joy I share with you news of Grace’s graduation. CONGRATULATIONS GRACE! What an effort! She was one of only two in her department to receive a special Dean’s Award for outstanding accomplishments – beautiful! When you know the back-story, it helps understand why I write of miracles happening and dreams coming true: She started her life down a toilet Good news stories from Burundi need to be told, please share with others, thanks to those who prayed for her and helped make it happen.

Finishing Strong

Below is a talk I gave a few weeks ago in the UK. Am just returning from a superb weekend of speaking in Rwanda, with the highlight being a powerful time in a 7,200-men prison. “We are at war, and the bloody battle is over our hearts. I am astounded how few Christians see this, how little they protect their hearts. We act as though we live in a sleepy little town during peacetime. We don’t. We live in the spiritual equivalent of Bosnia or Beirut. Act like it. Watch over your heart. Don’t let just anything in; don’t […]

Bibles for Burundi

“Please, please we need Bibles! And not just any Bible, but a new version. The old one I can hardly understand!” I could have been offended, but I’m not. You see, my great-aunt, Rosemary Guillebaud, was the person who brought God’s Word to Burundians in their own language, after twenty years of hard graft working on it. But that was a long time ago – 1967 to be precise – and language evolves steadily. You’d understand the King James Version in English better than Burundians understand Rosemary’s 1967 Kirundi translation! For example, ‘imbata ya Yesu’ meant ‘slave/servant of Christ’ back […]

Pressing in for Revival…

How much do you want of God? Because no-one has less of God than they want. Below is a sermon on revival I gave in the UK a few weeks ago. Amazing stories!–-Simon-Guillebaud-1.mp3

Am Grateful Martha can Die in Peace…

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! A number of you have written in asking for an update on our appeal for a new vehicle. So this is reporting back to you that all the money came in – hurray – and we’ve ordered a spanking new Toyota Hilux, so can now put Martha out to pasture in the next few weeks. She served us well, but there’s little room for sentiment here, we need to move on! What will we call the new one? Suggested names included Betsy, Audrey, Ole’ Marge, Daisy, Gertrude, Fred, Hank, and more, but the winning […]

My Country Wept…

Theo did as he was told and laid his head down on the floor, waiting for a machete to end his life… Here’s a massive recommendation to buy yourself (and for others too) this newly-published book about my friend Theodore Mbazumutima’s truly extraordinary story. He should be dead, but somehow, on multiple occasions, his life was spared. So please order your copies here for the UK and here for the USA. Enjoy! (although I’m not sure that’s the right word) This is a story of soaring hope in the most hideous of circumstances. Yes, there are good news stories to […]

Looking out for Widows…

There’s no social security out here. When your husband dies, beyond the normal grieving it’s a total and utter disaster for the widow, further compounded if she has children. So here’s a hope-filled story for widowed mother-of-three Virginie, who has just got her house through the ministry of J-Life. Justin, Tanya and my Lizzie helped in the process at the beginning of January, and it is now complete. Total cost: $1,000 (so a little more than I advertised last week, because prices have gone up and the standard of house we are building is also better). Enjoy the pics and […]

Martha’s Imminent Death in Burundi…

She’s been used to see thousands come to Christ, but she’s dying… Most weekends, you’ll find us (Scripture Union) with teams around the country, going into schools, getting churches together, and showing the Jesus film to thousands. I love it that in any one weekend we can share the gospel with up to 5,000 people, and the whole outreach costs a mere $100 (just fuel, food and lodging). $100 (£72) to see anything from a dozen to several hundred people come to Jesus. Wow! But as I said, our trusty Landcruiser Martha is dying. After many years and a couple […]

Great Cloud of Witnesses – Moses

“Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.” (Francis Chan) This is last Sunday’s sermon in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina, on Moses. And below are some more juicy quotes to stir and challenge your soul: C.S.Lewis talked of how sometimes people experience extraordinary times of intimacy and closeness to God. “But He never allows this state of affairs to last long. Sooner or later He withdraws, if not in fact, at least from their conscious experience, all those supports and incentives. He leaves the creature to stand up on […]

The Gospel Call – Urgent, Costly, Precious

“The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.” (Carl Henry) Above is last Sunday’s sermon at James Island Christian Church, South Carolina. I feel like it’s a classical ‘old school’ sermon on mission and the gospel, one that simply doesn’t fit into our post-modern relativist age – except that it’s THE TRUTH! Below, if you’re like me and enjoy juicy quotes and great stories, are some of what I shared: When the ship ‘Empress of Ireland’ sank… the few survivors told of how the [Salvation Army] officers, upon discovery that there were more passengers than life […]

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