Providence died in 2012, but will be giving birth this coming Monday… Say that again? On 13th September 2012, Provi plunged over a cliff at Butomangwa with her three RTNB colleagues (Burundi’s national Radio/TV) after a day’s news-reporting on a UNICEF project. All four were declared dead on the spot. Their bodies were taken to the morgue at Rutana hospital. The accident made national news headlines, and the Minister of Information announced on air each of the names of the dead, including hers. The first three bodies filled up the morgue, so Provi’s corpse was laid outside on the ground […]
Category: More than Conquerors
Freddy Burns…
And he did graduate with distinction! And he found a lovely woman to marry! And he’s now a Dad! * I just came across this and realised we hadn’t posted it, having filmed it a couple of years ago. Still worth seeing! He’s still trying to set up a pharmacy, but maintaining his integrity in the process is challenging, so do pray for wisdom and breakthroughs there.
Trophy of Grace!
Another story of the impossible in Burundi – from street kid to being a national sporting hero and using his gifts to promote reconciliation and forgiveness, this is a beautiful testimony of hope…
The Cost of Obedience…
This is some of my friend Yve’s story. He’s moved on to a new place of work now, but his faith still challenges me… I love sharing
Grenade Thrown in His Dorm…
At the height of the crisis in the 1990s, when he was a student at university, someone threw a grenade into Leonidas’ dormitory. Nobody was killed on that occasion, but amongst his many shrapnel wounds, the piece that lodged in his eye has caused ongoing issues ever since. Yet he is not one to seek revenge or harbour feelings of resentment or bitterness. Leonidas is one of our turbo-charged evangelists, preaching forgiveness and reconciliation around the country through Scripture Union. He’s been greatly used, and continues serving faithfully through many constant challenges. I love highlighting stories of hope when so […]
Sucker Punches Galore but Still in the Fight…
From being in a coma after a militia attack, to being falsely imprisoned, then healed, widowed, and more, Deo’s story is filled with God’s faithfulness amidst many trials…
Blessed are the Peacemakers…
‘Shortly before racing in the 1993 World Championships in Toronto, his brother rings to tell him his parents have been murdered and their bodies dumped down a latrine. He still runs and gets a medal, the first Burundian ever to do so…’ Below is the link to Nkaza’s testimony that we put on film last year. It’s well worth a listen. He’s a national hero and using his influence for good. We support his organisation ‘Amani Africa Burundi’, and their latest strategy as peace-makers is to mobilise the youth nationwide to sign up to seven core values – integrity, honesty, […]
Am Grateful Martha can Die in Peace…
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! A number of you have written in asking for an update on our appeal for a new vehicle. So this is reporting back to you that all the money came in – hurray – and we’ve ordered a spanking new Toyota Hilux, so can now put Martha out to pasture in the next few weeks. She served us well, but there’s little room for sentiment here, we need to move on! What will we call the new one? Suggested names included Betsy, Audrey, Ole’ Marge, Daisy, Gertrude, Fred, Hank, and more, but the winning […]
From the Gutter to Lifting Others Out of it…
When I see streetkids messing around or begging from people on our road or downtown, I fear that one day, they’ll end up being rapists, thieves, murderers, coopted as child-soldiers, or some such horrific scenario. And many do. Their futures seem bleak, almost hopeless. But then I see the lives being transformed at New Generation. And because we’ve been involved a long time, some of those little kids have now grown up and have bucked the trend beautifully to make a difference in their nation, becoming part of the solution rather than the problem. Meet Eric.
Running for Glory After His Parents’ Murder…
He was about to run in the 1993 World Championships 800m final in Toronto, when he received a phone call informing him that his parents had been murdered and their bodies dumped down a latrine… Here is Nkaza sharing some of his truly remarkable story. He’s a national hero because of his sporting achievements, and he’s using his fame now to rally the youth across the nation to march to the beat of a different drum.
Beaten but Unbowed in Burundi…
Emedi is one of our team who engages pro-actively with Muslims in Burundi. I was in the bush yesterday, and observed new mosques springing up all over the place. The Muslim missionaries offer food and medicine to desperately poor people, many of whom are happy to convert if their immediate physical needs are met. Emedi has been beaten and has counted the cost. Another on our team was murdered in front of his wife and kids. Do have a quick look at this short clip in our ‘More Than Conquerors’ series, it’s under 4mins. Please pray for him and the […]
Bleeding but Unbowed in Burundi…
This is the story of my buddy Ephraim’s near-fatal return to Burundi from the Congo. God had told him to come back to his nation to preach forgiveness and reconciliation. Even when taken by rebels and tortured, his faith remained unshakeable that he would survive to do what God had called him to. Despite being battered and broken, he told them: “You will not be able to kill me, because God is sending me back to Burundi to preach the Gospel.” His last words to them before they left him for dead were: “Father, forgive them, for they know not […]
A Widow’s Debt…
Celeste’s husband was murdered – shot in the head – for being tall. This was back in 1999. At the time, there were lots of ambushes on the roads. In fact, that was the way I expected to die in those crazy early years of my time out here. During the ambush, he and six others from his tribe (crassly identified as the ‘talls’), were taken by the rebels to the side of the road and killed. He’d been part of our team of volunteers. It was a tragedy. But he knew, loved and was ready to meet his Maker. […]
More than Conquerors What is this all about? The more than Conquerors Book and DVD go hand in hand or individually, and are both a call to radical discipleship. The DVD has 13 short films on it which deal with various themes covered in the book, like radical risk-taking, trust, prayer, sacrifice, justice, surrender, perseverance, etc. Each short film stands alone nd is suitable for showing in churches or home/cell groups, at youth events, at outreaches, basically in any context. They are a mixture of challenge, beauty, rawness, grimness and hope. Shot in six African countries, in sometimes dangerous places, the aim […]