Ordinary Heroes…

I’m just flying back from a hectic several days speaking at Summer Madness in Belfast, Causeway Coast Vineyard in Coleraine, and Urban Soul in Dublin. Not everyone would enjoy this lifestyle, but I love traveling, speaking, meeting new interesting people, and seeing lives changed.

There are lots of people doing fantastic things far removed from any limelight. Youth workers are some of my ‘ordinary heroes’. They are invariably very gifted and could have gone into all sorts of more lucrative careers. But they aren’t motivated by money. They want more. They are about seeing lives changed. And that needs to be done with young people before they get stuck in their thinking and settled in their respectability and tameness. So these youth workers often get paid a pittance, but they love the truth enough to live it. God bless them. I’ve met a whole load of them over the last week. Keep firing, guys, the reward is both now and later…

The Adventure Begins…

I wrote this a few days ago, but had to do a first post before this one really, to introduce myself. Anyways, here goes:

Pentecost Sunday, 12th June – So this is a great day to begin the epic training schedule on. I will be doing thousands of miles in the coming nine months, culminating in 35 days of sheer determination and hopefully success in our goal to cycle from Los Angeles to Charleston, and in the process raise stackloads of money for God’s work in Burundi.

I crept out of bed at 520am, trying unsuccessfully not to wake up Lizzie. My gear was all ready downstairs, all courtesy of my new buddy Mason Moise. Cycling is a totally new ball game for me. I’d never heard of cleats before this week, but now I know that I need to click in and out of them or I’ll fall flat on my face. That’s already happened to me for the first and hopefully last time, with a few cuts and bruises – but it was more a case of bruised ego for looking such an idiot as I wiped out on the road!

Off I pedaled in the dark. With no lights, I needed all the more to stick to the pavement. 1.8miles to Isle of Palms Connector, where there’s a big extra lane that I will use regularly, 2.1m across, and I did six of those, so all in a 16.2m opening ride. Not far, but a start.

Entering New Territory…

Right. This is all new. I’m usually a few steps behind on these things, so am playing catch-up, but here goes:

What can you expect on this blog?

My passion is to see people step out boldly into God’s purposes and see His Kingdom come; to see people come to the realization that life to the full can only be lived in personal relationship with Jesus; to see Burundi radically transformed by a new generation of costly followers of Christ; to get to the end of my life, however long He gives me, and have absolutely no regrets over not acting out His plans in my life. So there’ll some of that.

I passionately love my family – the luscious Lizzie, earnest little Zac (5), kissaholic Grace (3), and disturbingly volatile Josiah (nearly 2). So there’ll be some of that.

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I’ve recently committed to cycling 3000 miles West to East coast of America, with the aim of raising $1million for our stunningly beautiful work in Central Africa, so there’ll be some of that too.

And who knows what else…

Bike for Burundi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-thBOf956Gc“Bike for Burundi” is a group of men seeking to raise $1 million for Batwa pygmies and orphans’ education and empowerment in war-torn Central Africa. Simon Guillebaud spent a decade living there and founded Great Lakes Outreach (GLO) as a vehicle to reach out to the last, the lost and the least in Burundi. He risked his life during those years and gained much credibility and trustand in the process, identified the most capable, gifted and trustworthy local people to work alongside. He has written two books based on his experiences in Burundi, which can be obtained at www.more-than-conquerors.com. Simon […]

Screaming Injustice

God wants us to get angry. Injustice is wrong. This is a very raw and stirring challenge to be willing to share the pain and actively do something to transform situations as Jesus would have us do.

Living Sacrifice

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfVg1XdJGR4 Take a journey up a mountain to slaughter a goat and a lamb. What goes through your mind as you raise your knife to kill? What does God want from us?

“For I know the plan(e)s I have for you,” declares the Lord!

We asked you to pray, so we thought we’d let you know what happened. Some of you write and say I don’t include enough on family, so here’s a bit on us and our crazy time yesterday. Were your prayers answered? Well, there wasn’t really any chance of us making the connecting flight from the start because we were delayed by an hour at Heathrow. It was lashing down with rain and our windscreen wipers weren’t working, apparently! Strangely that delay from the outset took the pressure off and I didn’t dwell on it for the ten hours of our […]

Hi everyone!

My previous blog was labeled spam by Google and shut down, hence setting up this page. It’s a bit annoying but ni ko bimeze, as they say in Burundi, c’est comme ça, there’s nothing I can do about it. So here goes, and I’ll start with the only two blog posts that I’d stored off the now-defunct previous blog: 12th June – Pentecostal Training… So this is a great day to begin the epic training schedule on. I will be doing thousands of miles in the coming nine months, culminating in 35 days of sheer determination and hopefully success in […]

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