Entering New Territory…

Right. This is all new. I’m usually a few steps behind on these things, so am playing catch-up, but here goes:

What can you expect on this blog?

My passion is to see people step out boldly into God’s purposes and see His Kingdom come; to see people come to the realization that life to the full can only be lived in personal relationship with Jesus; to see Burundi radically transformed by a new generation of costly followers of Christ; to get to the end of my life, however long He gives me, and have absolutely no regrets over not acting out His plans in my life. So there’ll some of that.

I passionately love my family – the luscious Lizzie, earnest little Zac (5), kissaholic Grace (3), and disturbingly volatile Josiah (nearly 2). So there’ll be some of that.

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I’ve recently committed to cycling 3000 miles West to East coast of America, with the aim of raising $1million for our stunningly beautiful work in Central Africa, so there’ll be some of that too.

And who knows what else…

But here’s some recent news to kick things off:

I’m gearing up for lots of summer preaching. I returned recently from a great weekend of preaching in Bluffton. I stayed at an unknown elderly hostess’ gorgeous house, and was told she was out of town. I didn’t have a swimming costume with me so just jumped in naked. On my 22nd length, I looked up to see a very shocked lady walking towards me and asking who on earth I was!!! In the Bluff, in the buff! Our friendship went deep very quickly – indeed, I bared my all!!!

Having gone from living in the second poorest country in the world to the richest, and in an affluent community at that, I have to say I have struggled recently with living where we are. It is just so nice, people are so friendly, and we are so blessed. The community we are in is fantastic. I’m part of a great staff team at St Andrew’s. Our social life is terrific. Charleston is a gorgeous part of the world. I don’t take anything for granted, but I just don’t aspire to this kind of life. I miss the rawness and challenge of being in Burundi. It’s frustrating and challenging as I seek to break new ground for the expansion of our work in Africa, because here in the USA I don’t (yet) have many relationships, unlike in the UK. So an ongoing prayer is for doors to open – for a ‘tipping point’-type breakthrough that will lead to many more open doors and opportunities and greater exposure. And also that we’d hear from God how long He wants us here, and do whatever we’re told.

Family life is going well. School is over so Zac and Grace are on holiday camps for the mornings. It is hot and humid so we want to be in the pool as much as possible. They’ve had swimming lessons and can now justabout swim by themselves without drowning. Grace was in her swimsuit the other day. She clenched her lower cheeks together and said: “Look Mummy, my bottom can hug itself.” Priceless! Josiah’s a snot factory and screams and laughs in equal measure, quite the handful! Lizzie and I are going great guns – it’s a nice season in our marriage.

That’s it, the blogging journey has begun. See you soon!

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