The Most Exciting Place to Be…

I’m pretty confident that Burundi will be the most exciting place in the world to be for the first two weeks of August – and I would love to be there, but can’t because I’m doing the Bible Readings at New Wine Newark for the coming week. Anyway, why is it going to be so amazing?

Firstly, Andrew Palau (son of Luis) and his team are doing a big citywide evangelistic festival during the first week. Please pray for that. They have managed to mobilize many of the different key groups to work together, which is no mean feat, and so we are hoping to see much lasting fruit.
Secondly, our annual outreach campaign is taking place. Picture 600 young people gathering this Sunday – the anticipation, the buzz, the adrenaline. They will be commissioned and sent up into the bush to 35 different areas in teams to preach the gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, get their heads kicked in (hopefully not too many, which is why I’d love you to pray), and a whole lot more. Muslims will see the power of God in Jesus’ name and turn to Him as Saviour. Witchdoctors will bow the knee and burn their charms publicly, which will lead to whole villages turning to Christ. Marriages will be restored, and so much more. I’m confident to say all this because it happened like that last year, and the year before, and the year before. We guestimate that maybe 30,000 people will come to Christ in one-on-one coherent exchanges. And yes, we are committed to following up and discipling those people.

Onesphore, the pioneer leader of the movement Harvest for Christ, is so grateful for our prayer backing, so please do pray – daily if you can – for the first two weeks of August. (the one year I didn’t get you all to pray, they experienced more persecution and obstacles, so your prayers are crucial!). Please feel free to forward this link to others – the more the merrier!

Let’s do it! Thanks for sharing the journey. I’ll feedback in due course.

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