Bloody Forgiveness and an Urgent Need!
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Meet John (name changed), who works for us. As I wrote of him in my book ‘Dangerously Alive’, he was returning by foot to Burundi in 1996 after a year as a refugee in the Congo. He felt he simply had to get back to his homeland, but soldiers from the other tribe took him and tortured him. He told them that God was calling him back to Burundi and so they could try to kill him, but he knew his time had not yet come to die. They just thought he was mad. But as they attempted to kick him to death he told them that he forgave them and loved them in Jesus’ name. They left him for dead in a crumpled heap, pouring with blood. However, he revived and is now being used extraordinarily in the schools and churches around Ngozi. “That was the day I learned what real forgiveness is about,” he told me.
That shows you the measure of the man. I would guestimate that the Lord has used him to lead several thousand people to Christ in the last decade we’ve been to together. He’s busted a gut for the cause, and could have got better paid jobs elsewhere, but no, he’s the real deal, and so I love him to bits.
His wife and five kids (all under 8-years-old) face eviction now from their home, unless they can buy it. I want to help him, and know that some of you will too. That house would secure his future and family stability to release him further in ministry. The need is $20k. That’s it. I don’t need to say any more. If you want to help him with any sum – large or small, there are many of us reading this – please donate through or just contact me. Thanks again!
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