Arrested on Day 1!
As a reminder for your prayers, hundreds of our guys are out in the bush these next two weeks in Burundi, and below is from Onesphore, founder of Harvest for Christ, who wrote to me the following:
“We’ve sent all the young evangelists out now, on busses, motorbikes, bicycles or on foot walking many kilometres to declare the Good News. My heart is full of joy. It’s marvelous and incredible. A team of seven has already tasted prison for a few hours, as police suspected them of being trouble makers when they boarded their bus. The Governor came immediately and took them off to prison. I had to lobby the authorities right up to the top of the Gov before they were released.
Thanks for standing with us as we take part in this revival which my grandparents prophesied about but didn’t have the privilege to experience. You and me, we have the chance and responsibility to live it out!”
Bring it on!
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