You did it and they’ve got it now!

Do give yourself 57 secs of joy by watching this!

This is just the briefest of messages feeding back on your beautiful response to our Christmas appeal to provide health cards to several thousand desperately needy folks. £2.50/$3 was what it cost to provide them and their immediate families three years of access to medical care. We filmed this at one of the handout events where a thousand people received their card.
So we say A MASSIVE THANK YOU on their behalf.

Oof, there will be fewer senseless deaths! With guaranteed healthcare provision, they’ll have deep peace rather than crippling anxiety!

God bless you all LOADS!

One Comment

  • “1 week’s lunch money for my 11yr old son, gives an entire family health cover for 3 years”… astonishing… he gets it…!!! #privileged, thankful to help make a difference… a way for a child to help an entire family… we’ll do it again!!!


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