To Celebrate or not to Celebrate in Burundi…?

Aaargh, I really don’t like getting these emails!  Leaders have tough calls to make, so I’m wanting to share the load with you! Patrice has just written again. He’s our SU Treasurer, and SU employs about 75 people right now. He’s emailing on behalf of them to say that the staff kids are wondering if they’ll celebrate Christmas at all this year. Inflated prices of staple foods means that it’s hard for them to simply get enough food to eat on a day-to-day basis. For an example of how tough the situation is, my evangelism partner, Sylvestre, just got booted out of his 2-room hovel next to a brothel (with wife and three little girls aged 1 to 5) because he couldn’t afford the rent anymore. He has a degree and could seek a bigger salary elsewhere but still works with us because that’s the call of God on his life. These guys are amazing, I tell you.
So no chance of a single present.
Just as last year, this is the plea: “Simon, will you remember us and help us to be able to give our wives and children at least something on Christmas day? We never eat meat as it’s too expensive, but at least once a year on that day..?”
So I’ve got a few hundred kids (average family has six kids) at SU, let alone our other six partners organisations, waiting to see if Simon says there’ll be a Christmas bonus… again, aaargh!
Money’s seemingly tight for many people at the moment (including GLO), but can any of you help make this happen? These precious colleagues slog their guts out all year in the Lord’s work, and I so want to honour them. And then as we tuck into our food on the 25th with gusto, we can smile knowing a family is doing likewise across the globe in Burundi. Just £10, $20, whatever, it’ll bless them, bless me, and bless you too!
But I don’t want to give anyone a guilt trip. Many of you have been so generous and sown sacrificially already. God bless you for that. Thanks so much. However, if you can and want to help, here’s how:
for UK people: or send a cheque made out to Great Lakes Outreach to Great Lakes Outreach, 1st Floor Tower House, Latimer Park Estate, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1TU
and USA folks: or make a check out to “Great Lakes Outreach” and mail to: Great Lakes Outreach, PO Box 2379, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465
Happy Christmas!

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