Amazing, amazing, amazing!
The response for Christmas meat has been phenomenal. Several hundred of you have contributed. The GLO family comprises 195 workers, who each will now receive $90 for a smashing Christmas celebration. Average family size is 8, plus the two orphanages, so that makes over 1600 people laughing and stuffing their faces thanks to you guys.
So this is another MASSIVE THANK YOU from me!
And then a number of you were deeply moved by Sylvestre’s needs, having been kicked out of his house with wife and three little ones. If I back up a little, he was studying at the national university in 1996 when a student from the other tribe threw a grenade into his room to kill him. He got shrapnel in his eye which needed removing, but survived the attack, albeit with constant eye pain ever since. But he just carries on flat out preaching peace and reconciliation and forgiveness, even to the guy who tried to kill him. He’s the first in his family line to ever get a degree, and as such has been the provider to his extended family to the detriment of his immediate one. We helped him buy some land a few years ago, to build his family house on it in due course. The government is now about to take back his land as it hasn’t been built on yet, so his children’s inheritance is set to be taken away as well. He has written to me repeatedly through his trials saying he trusts the Lord, but they have suffered so much as a family for their faithfulness to God.
It’s only on the back of a number of you expressing interest in helping him through this crisis by contributing to monthly rent that I thought we could turn his situation completely around once and for all. It will cost $22,000 to build a basic house on his land that will enable his family to be free from the poverty trap of putting all his salary into monthly rent for a wretched hovel. I know we can do it. “Honour the Lord, and He will honour you.” It’s one of my favorite verses which I want to be Sylvestre’s testimony out of this experience. So, again no pressure, but I know some of you want to; if so, here’s how you can contribute, so that his kids can get back to school, his wife can be at peace, and he can carry on leading people to Jesus every week (actually he’ll do that anyway!). It’s nearly 1am as I write this – I just felt prompted to stay up and do it. Let’s nail the $22k, for Christ’s sake!
for UK people: or send a cheque made out to Great Lakes Outreach to Great Lakes Outreach, 1st Floor Tower House, Latimer Park Estate, Chesham, Bucks, HP5 1TU
and USA folks: or make a check out to “Great Lakes Outreach” and mail to: Great Lakes Outreach, PO Box 2379, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465
and Canada folks: email
Happy Christmas!
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