The Last Will Be First…

Freddy, dear friend and founder of Burundi Youth for Christ, just posted this on Facebook:

“Thacien and Olivier, the two young men you see on this photo above (from right to left), are our oldest children at Gitega Orphanage under BYFC. They are currently studying at Gitega International Academy. They have just received a full scholarship to go study at Waterford United World College of Southern Africa in Swaziland. It is one of the best high schools on the continent. 60 nationalities are represented there from around the world. It is a very expensive school and connected to some of the best colleges in the USA.

Many Burundi children were competing for the two spots, but after tests and interviews and visits from the organization in charge, the Lord just granted both places to our boys. They will fly there and start school in January of 2018. Everything will be provided for them including air-tickets for all holidays. We are blessed beyond measure. Our God is a miracle-working God! Hallelujah!!!”

This is truly wonderful news. I remember them when we first took them in over a decade ago. I won’t recount their stories as they and their school friends can access the internet now, but suffice to say they had very hard starts in life, and now God has opened up the next extraordinary chapter in their lives. Wow! Make the most of it, boys, seize the day!

They leave behind (but will be back of course) lots of precious brothers and sisters, some of whom still require basic sponsorship – if that grabs any of you, do contact me. In any case, I wanted to share another great story to counteract a lot of other bad stories coming out of this nation. There is much to celebrate!

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  • Wonderful news – well done boys! Those awarding scholarships surely know how to choose well.

    I’m sure you will both remain aware of the Lord’s blessing as you make the most of this opportunity, using your presence and gifts to bless others as you study and play. I praise God for this opportunity He gave you both.


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