Thank you, and Bosco’s amazing story…

I wrote a cheque a few days ago for school fees/uniforms for a group who were praying/fasting for just that, and in walked their boss with the money! There was much joy and celebration for God’s faithfulness. I love it that we get to be a part of this!
The response to my raw missive has been huge, and we have been able to help over a thousand children with what they needed to get back to school. What a privilege!
God bless you all, thanks for standing with us.
Above is the second video clip from our More Than Conquerors series of short beautiful life stories, as we aim to share GOOD NEWS from Burundi as well as the heavy stuff. Do click on it and be blown away by Bosco’s tale of overcoming seeing his mother with her arms and legs hacked off.
Or read below a written account from a few years ago.
Bosco is a friend of mine. He’s a gifted young Burundian leader with big dreams and huge potential. His smile is genuine and his manner relaxed, but they bely what has happened to him in his life…
It was 29th October 1993, a week after the President of Burundi had been assassinated. The whole country was experiencing bloodshed, and Bosco’s area was no exception. He was a timid 7-year-old, sheltering in a house with a number of his extended family. His father and elder sister fled into the swamp at 4am, having heard that the killers would shortly arrive. His Mother had swollen legs and couldn’t flee, and in any case they all thought that women and children would be left alone.
But no.
At 5am, the killers arrived and tried to break down the front door. In the ensuing panic, everyone inside fled out of the back door, but people with bows and arrows were waiting there for them. Of the fifteen children, only three escaped. All five adults were killed. Bosco was one of the three to break through the cordon and make it to the bush.
After an hour, in the quiet, he crept back with his sister to try to find his Mother. There she lay, still alive, with both arms and legs hacked off. He hugged her and wept, and then begrudgingly left her to die as the killers were still nearby and she was beyond hope. He was her last born, and didn’t want to leave her side, but there was no choice. They had to try to get to the nearest church to relative safety. Meantime (and he only discovered it two weeks later), his father had also been killed.
They went to a friend’s house from the other tribe – even in the darkest moments, goodness was to be found. This man was willing to put himself in danger by trying to rescue them. He told them that the following morning the killers would burn down the forest to flush out those still hiding, so he told them to return to the bush and be ready before dawn, when he would guide them to safety.
Early the next morning, he led Bosco and Bosco’s sister through the mist. She thought he was going to betray them, so at one stage she refused to follow. Bosco had to obey her and it was a mistake, because they soon came across a gang of killers, who were resting on the verandah of a house. When the killers saw Bosco, they rushed into the house to pick up their machetes, and then chased them. Bosco and his sister literally ran for their lives, reaching the Catholic church just fifty yards in front of the fastest-running killer. Belgian priests took them in and nursed them until safe passage to the capital could be arranged.
Fast-forward two decades and now Bosco runs J-Life, a new ministry operating in Burundi. Only he and his three sisters survived that dreadful day. But he’s not dwelling on the past, and is instead struggling to find funding to complete his university degree to become a more effective leader. I’m helping him, and would love some of you to pitch in too. If anyone wants to, do get back to me.

No Comments

  • It is breath taking to read how their lives were spared and heart breaking to think what he and the rest of his family went through. May the Lord now grant Bosco a long and fruitful life.

  • “If anyone wants to, do get back to me.”

    What is the best way of doing that, please Simon?

  • Bosco You Were
    Spared For The GLORY of GOD!
    Behold And Look For GOD Is Doing
    For GOD WILL Make A WAY In The Wilderness,
    To FLOW In The Deserts,


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