Nobody came down…

In 1964, Kitty Genovese returned to her apartment block late one night after her shift working in a bar had ended. She was brutally attacked before she could get beyond the downstairs carpark, and her screams were heard by many people, who came out to peer down from above to see what was happening.

They looked down from their various patios and windows, but nobody apparently actually did anything about it. At one stage her attacker ran off, thinking the police were coming. But then he returned and continued violating and stabbing her to death.

It was later established that 38 people had been witnesses to the attack. All thought somebody else had rung the police. Nobody came down to help…

Why would I tell that story at a carol service?

Maybe you can work it out… otherwise, click here and listen to how my Aunt’s cat got rescued from a slow stinky death down the long-drop toilet, how I first fell in love, how one mystery man saved five crash victims from drowning, and how all those stories point towards the best news in the world and a game-changing invitation.

Also available in audio format here:

‘Nobody Came Down’ – Carol Service ’24


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