My Failed First Relationship and then Finding True Love…

Gini was my first love (or should I say lust?). It didn’t work out well, much to my chagrin…

I was given 5 minutes as part of 24-hour speaking event, and this is what I came up with.

Feel free to pass on to folks who could do with hearing it.

Next steps? Over lockdown I’ve been looking at the Alpha Course. Short videos that are so clear and helpful. Here’s the first one:

One Comment

  • There seems to be an awful lot about guilt here. The Evangelical way I know, but it is so not what being a Christian is about. Which is why I prefer Emmaus to Alpha. The three legged stool of bible, tradition, and reason is how we carry forward the timeless message of Christ, a personal knowledge of Christ being but one part of how we understand the Trinity and the history of a 2000 year walk with God as his people.
    By the way, last saw you as a teenager on the playing fields of Harrow. Who knew?

    Maggie Guillebaud, widow of Hugh.


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