Martha’s Imminent Death in Burundi…
She’s been used to see thousands come to Christ, but she’s dying…
Most weekends, you’ll find us (Scripture Union) with teams around the country, going into schools, getting churches together, and showing the Jesus film to thousands. I love it that in any one weekend we can share the gospel with up to 5,000 people, and the whole outreach costs a mere $100 (just fuel, food and lodging). $100 (£72) to see anything from a dozen to several hundred people come to Jesus. Wow!
But as I said, our trusty Landcruiser Martha is dying. After many years and a couple of hundred thousand miles of faithful service, she’s falling apart. She needs to be retired, put out of her misery! A weekend often costs $300 (£217) more now, as regular repairs are needed after the hammering she takes on shocking roads in the bush. We’ve stewarded her so well, getting the max out of her, but now the end is nigh. All good things come to an end…
We don’t want to buy a new one, rather a solid second-hand one. The buyer is ready. We have $23,000 (£16,680) raised, and need another $34,000 (£24,700) in the next two weeks.
That’s the urgent need. If you’d like to, you can give here.
I love the thought of $100 invested for such a fruitful return of hundreds and even thousands of new members adopted into our family. Do you want to be a part of it? Please do, every gift helps.
$1000, $500, or even $100… Scripture tells us “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news.” Well, sometimes a vehicle can get us there faster, farther, and more economically than just feet.
And then every weekend you can think of Martha’s successor, with your help, bumping along obscure roads in Central Africa and being used to see the Kingdom come!
I’m keen to report back to you as soon as possible that this pressing need has been met.
Thanks so much for journeying with us.
Simon Guillebaud
PS Feel free to suggest a new name for Martha’s successor – be creative – and we’ll post the winning submission!
Hi Simon, I’m sorry but at present I am not in a position to support you financially but I have a suggestion for a name, what about Joshua? The Lord your God will be with you wherever you go! And I can pray of course.
Hey Simon. Just gifted some money towards….. “Cruisy McCruiseface”
God Bless
As your vehicle is used for bussing you around and you’re making disciples, perhaps Barnabas might be an appropriate name for your new motor 🙂