GLO Resignation, maybe Witchcraft?!

I’ve just returned from upcountry where fourteen great folk from Charleston are busy running a medical clinic. On the first morning, people were lining up from 4am. At 7am we gave out 200 tickets for the first day and had to turn away 500 others who were also waiting. That shows the need and demand. Do pray for them all, both patients and team. May many be healed, both physically and spiritually. Before that I’d been around Burundi preaching at concerts in different cities on the back of a Canadian worship band. It went well and we pray for lasting fruit in the lives of those who responded.

Cheryl Law, GLO UK’s Administrator for the last six and a half years, has resigned to start up her own business. I want to honour her for all the hard work she’s put in for the cause, helping to take GLO on a long way during her time with us. Do pray she’s blessed in her next steps, and for the right replacement. Here’s the job description if you think you or someone else could do this job with excellence:

“Full administrative duties including all Company House, Charity Commission and HMRC requirements. Book and DVD processing, and Gift Aid. Monthly accounts in the UK, and a monthly Global management and financial report incorporating the UK, US and Burundi accounts. Preparation of accounts and information for the auditor. Maintaining email database and a wide variety of other admin needs.”

Let me add a few details: we want someone ASAP, the salary’s about twenty grand to start with, the office is near Chesham, Bucks, it can be lonely as it means working by yourself, but the outworking of this crucial role is loads of changed lives in Burundi.

I’ll close with an interesting thing that happened this last weekend upcountry. Ladd and Carley, a superb young US couple who joined us a few months ago, were preaching with the SU team in Rumonge. They checked into a dodgy guesthouse and went to bed, having locked the door behind them. They left their two laptops, two hard drives, iPhone, and money in their backpack by the door. The SU team slept in five of the ten bedrooms. Come morning, they found that all the other five bedrooms had been burgled, with thousands of dollars, valuables and wallets stolen, but not a single thing had been taken from any SU room, even though they discovered that their door was now unlocked!

There were two armed guards who didn’t see anything, and the locals’ conclusion was that it must have been witchcraft. What do you think? We’ve got very different worldviews from Burundians, haven’t we? Whatever the case, without rejoicing in the misfortune of the other five occupants, we thank God for watching over our gang – and it further underlines why we pray whenever we go out on these weekends.

Peace to you!

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