FREE ‘Sacrifice’
Dear fantastic GLO supporter,
I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for all your support to us out here in Burundi over the years – for your prayers, your encouragements, and your financial backing.
As a sign of my gratitude, I’d love to send you a FREE COPY of my latest book, ‘Sacrifice’. It’s short and sweet (written for people who don’t like long books!) and packs a punch, and has had some embarrassingly good reviews (see below).
If you get to the end of the pages and are more fired up to aim higher, go deeper and reach further in your love and pursuit of Christ, then it will have done its job. Let me know what you think…
Book-reviewer Roger Carswell:
“When Howard Guinness wrote ‘Sacrifice’ in 1958 it set a high water mark on literature to challenge Christians. It is a classic, but, I believe it has recently been surpassed by Simon Guillebaud’s book of the same title! The little book is a practical, challenging exposition of Romans 12:1&2, and I would go on my knees to beg you to read it.”
You can order yours:
So thanks again! The fact is that without your sacrifices of prayer and giving, we couldn’t carry out the amazing work here in Burundi.
Bring it on!
Simon Guillebaud
PS If you want a packet of 10 or 20 to give out to others, just write back and we can arrange a Barry Bargain of a deal!
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