Doing a Moses for Burundi and Beyond…

Hands raised in prayer for Burundi

How long do you think you could hold your arms out wide for? That’s what I tried to do yesterday for the first time. Why not give it a go?! I managed so much longer than I thought possible, imagining that every extra cramping second signified more lives saved, which actually was the case with Moses in Exodus 17 (I’ll tell you how long I managed at the end).

Whilst the Israelites under Joshua’s leadership defended themselves against an Amalekite attack down in the valley, Moses was up the top of a hill with Aaron and Hur. Verse 11 says: “As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning.” 

How desperate are you for breakthrough in your life? 

One of the most impacting things I’ve ever heard was this question and answer: 

Q: How much do you want of God?
A: Because no-one has less of God than they want. 

The stakes could hardly be any higher right now. I am absolutely desperate for Burundi breakthroughs, and I want God sooooo much. 

In the shadow of COVID-19, there are four days of campaigning left, and then the elections will take place next Wednesday. There has been some bloodshed, and things are hotting up. I don’t want to say more here, but read between the lines, and please pray. 

So here’s a short clip that my son filmed of me as I collapsed at the end of my Moses challenge yesterday. My sore muscles are still screaming at me now. I look a bit of a fool, but I know whose fool I am! And everybody’s somebody’s fool…

And then remember the rest of the story with Moses: “When his hands grew tired, Aaron and Hur took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it. They held his hands up – one on one side, one on the other – so that his hands remained steady until sunset. So Joshua overcame the Amalekite army…” (v12,13)

We do this together! That’s the power of intercession. Can you please help us keep our hands held up in desperation to the Lord through next Wednesday, and beyond? 

Are you desperate for anything? What? How desperate? Give it a go… 

Lifting up holy hands, 


Join us on Zoom for inspiring weekly updates live with Burundian friends on at 2pm (UK time)

PS I managed 31 minutes 30 seconds. Just give it your best, and let me know how you got on!

One Comment

  • Well done Simon. Seeing your agony, I couldn’t help thinking of Jesus with his arms stretched out on the cross, bearing the weight of his body. I expect you did too!


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