Alternative Christmas Presents in Burundi…


Many of you are already thinking of Christmas presents, and have written asking if we have our usual ‘alternative’ ones.

The answer is yes, so here are some options – and we’ll get you a card to send to the relevant person:

How about a goat for £25/$40 for our transformational pygmy outreach? Milk, manure, and meat for the poorest of the poor, whose life-expectancy has shot up from a low of 27-years-old into the forties since we first got involved five years ago.

Or how about £50/$80 for a child’s annual school fees, so a young life can attend one of our schools?

Or how about contributing to a cow (or part of!) at £650/$1,000? These high-yield imported cows are a ticket out of poverty, enabling the owner’s kids to go to school, and the whole family to have enough to live on.

If you want more info on this, click

If you want to buy something, please do, and thanks so much!

·         For UK folk, please click on 

·         For USA folk, please click on

·         And for Canada folk, please click on

Any queries, get back to me!

Thanks so much as ever for your support, both last year and this one too.

Here’s making Christmas memorable for some of God’s precious people in Burundi!

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