Acts of the Burundian Apostles!

Hot off the Press from Onesphore in Burundi, he writes:
Hello  Simon!
Here are two selected testimonies from a whole load of stories of what’s going on this week around the country:
Our team were reaching out to the people of Busoni in Kirundo, who were seemingly quite resistant until they came to a deaf/dumb man called Kinuma. He’d been in that condition from birth. Everybody knew him. The evangelists prayed for him, he was healed, and began to speak. Word got around the community and a crowd gathered. Our guys made the most of it, preached the gospel, and 120 people gave their lives to Christ on the spot. The team were crazy with joy, praise the Lord!
A Muslim couple involved in witchcraft and suspected of being sorcerers were visited by a team at 5am. Our people shared the good news with them, answering lots of their questions, and the couple ended up giving their lives to Christ. Filled with joy, they started immediately witnessing to their neighbours, and 31 more people decided to follow Christ, many with tears. Our team are spending further time discipling them.
Thanks for your prayers,
Isn’t that awesome. Thanks indeed for all your prayers. There’s another week to go, and hopefully another 10,000 or so people to come to faith, yee hah!

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