2 Years Ago Nothing, Now THIS!
There’s nothing closer to God’s heart than coming alongside widows and orphans (James 1:27). Last week my mate Jon and I were out in Burundi, and we got to travel into the bush with Bosco to see J-Life’s transformational work with some wonderful folks who have suffered much. Take a quick look!
What a wonderful mission and an uplifting video. Thanks to Bosco and all involved in this mission. And thanks for sharing. Anne
So amazing! Simon and Bosco!!!!! Blessings from Charleston, SC.
Words are inadequate. Just totally inadequate.
Bless you.
Awesome bro, watched it with my 2 year old there, telling him how amazing it is that God loves all the people and children in the video too!
PTL – such wonderful transformation – LOVE IT!
Fabulous! Praise God Simon and what a joy for you to have been a part of all this.
Super! Very encouraging!
LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!!! SUCH a blessing to see the video, the work that has taken place, the joy of the people. Thank you for going, thank you for sharing. Every blessing to all involved. Teri