Toughest of Calls to Make – Back to Burundi en Famille…
On Monday, we fly back to Burundi. All of us. Simon, Lizzie, Zac (10), Grace (8) and Josiah (6).
Burundi is in a terrible state. It’s hard to see, humanly-speaking, how things are going to improve. But we believe in the God of the impossible, and Burundi is our home. We want to be with our friends and colleagues and go through these dark times together. Some, maybe many, think we’re irresponsible and foolish, however this comes on the back of a lot of heart-wrenching prayer and seeking God for His guidance, and both Lizzie and the kids also want to return.
We are flying back into a very tense, fear-filled and fragile situation. Rumours abound. Dead bodies are regularly found on the streets in the morning. The country is at a critical moment in its history. The kids will have to get used to listening to regular gunfire again (I’ve just downloaded an app for white noise to turn up at night-time to mask the scary sounds). As a husband and father, I feel the weight of responsibility like never before, but as I’ve often preached, the safest place to be is in the heart of God’s will, and safety isn’t the absence of danger, it’s the presence of God. We’re immortal until He calls us home.
We can’t just talk a good game, we have to live those words out. You too in this new year of 2016. May it be your best yet!
So I’ve never wanted/needed/hoped for your prayers more than now, for our family and for Burundi. Challenging times. May we all live by faith, not fear.
If you want a short challenging daily reading for the coming year, why not try what was voted Best Devotional of 2015?! You can order it here
I want to say a MASSIVE THANK YOU for your response to the Christmas Appeal and for your ongoing support. The response to providing meat/chocs/shoes for our destitute friends and colleagues was phenomenal.
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