Tears of Joy in Burundi

I’ve watched this three times now, and cried the first two. It’s just so beautiful! Honestly, please watch it, you won’t regret it! It goes down as one of the top ten meetings of my life… 

So here is a huge thank you to those of you who responded to last week’s email.

Actually, the point of the email was to highlight the grace of God as the foundation of our lives during times of crisis, as evidenced so beautifully by many of our precious Burundian brothers and sisters; not to ask for money – that was just a PS at the end, offering you the chance to help out with the 30 KCC staff who had taken a 40% pay cut in solidarity together because of the Covid crisis, and were now struggling simply to live.

But wow did many of you respond…

…and so to this short ‘thank you’ film. Just look how folks reacted when they received the best news they could possibly have dreamt of… There were very few dry eyes left – but this time the tears weren’t of distress, fear, or sadness, but of unadulterated joy. And I invite you to feel free in shedding your own tears of joy as you watch as well.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you! And thank you Lord!

Simon Guillebaud

PS If you found the video uplifting, feel free to share it:
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  • That is such brilliant news what an inspiration to see their joy but also to see their love for one another and the faith that was prepared to take a drop in salary and trust the Lord to supply their needs. One of the best investments we’ve had the joy of making this year and to be able to see their joy and tears what a blessing for us too. Thank you thank you to our brothers and sisters in Burundi.

  • Simon,
    Thank you for bringing this need to our attention…as well as the rejoicing that comes from the body working together! Oh how the Lord is glorified when His people are one! Being able to weep with those who weep is critical to what it means to be part of the body of Christ. And even more so to be able to rejoice with those who rejoice!! Praise the Lord for His goodness and provision…and for His body working as it should! May the Lord continue to bless the staff at KCC.

  • Yes, I cried with you all. I need daily encouragement, so I often read your newsletters to find my Spirit raised Heavenward! Thank you for sharing this moment of rejoicing. God is so much bigger than a virus.


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