Rocking Revival Prayer
Have you ever wept in prayer before?
I can count on one hand the number of times I have. I guess I/we could fake it, but that’d be worse than not praying at all, I suspect.
PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO WATCH THIS… For those of us who heard it as he prayed, we were all left stunned.
Since lockdown, we have been meeting on Zoom every week with between 100 and 150 people from a dozen nations across time zones to hear what God is doing in Burundi. Various Burundian brothers and sisters leading different ministries have shared inspiring or gut-wrenching stories, and then we’ve unmuted and all prayed together, before moving onto the next leader. They’ve been amazing times.
In our last session, this is what happened…
Wow! Lord have mercy on us! May it be as he prayed! If that moved you, please share it with your networks through whichever social media platform – our strapline is ‘Transforming Burundi and Beyond…’, and this (with your help) could be seen by millions of people to stir their faith to humble themselves in prayer before God for a fresh revival. We so need it!
‘Lord, I have heard of your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day,
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy.’ (Habakkuk 3:2)
As Frank Laubach prayed: “Lord, forgive us for looking at the world with dry eyes.”
Bring it on!
Here are some links to the video on social media, if you’d like to share:
Download a low-resolution version of the video (to send on WhatsApp or to show over Zoom)
I cry with you, brother, for the splashing of the Holy Spirit against the Continent of Europe. I pray with you. Please, let us see this in our lifetime, faithful God.
As servants in the Republic of Georgia we echo these tears.. oh yes Lord! We cry out for revival! Thank you brother!