Pressing in for Revival…
How much do you want of God? Because no-one has less of God than they want.
Below is a sermon on revival I gave in the UK a few weeks ago. Amazing stories!
How much do you want of God? Because no-one has less of God than they want.
Below is a sermon on revival I gave in the UK a few weeks ago. Amazing stories!
One Comment
Thank you – for so much that’s of direct relevance to an old duffer! – to this particular wrinkly anyway, now just a few years from 80!
When I was a child my wise old Grandmother reassured my anxious mother that I would be fine – ‘do OK in life’ she meant – because I was ‘a plodder’!
Now at my age I am happy to be reassured that I don’t have to do exceptional things for God, but just be exceptional in ordinary things!
Thank you!!