½ Term Break and Grace’s Birthday
Just a quick update and a few photos for those who like to see and hear more about the family:
We had half term recently so we went up to Gitega to the YFC orphanage, which is in the background behind us in the picture. We were with our new friends the Millers (both doctors) with their four smashing kids, and we’ll probably go to Rwanda over New Year with them as well. It was only for a few days, as it meant precious little sleep. The kids were in tents (indoors!) for a treat, and we had lots of fun – but two nights out of our own beds was enough. Zac and Grace have prayed each night for the last few years for Chartiel and Jeanette, two orphans of similar ages, so we wanted them to meet and get to know each other. Hopefully in the coming years they’ll develop friendships, which is an especially good thing for ours to realize just how blessed they are when they lapse into moaning and complaining on occasion!
And today is Grace’s fifth birthday. We celebrated it at the weekend with Carley (pictured) and a number of her other friends. Adults painted kids’ faces, and vice versa – did you spot that?!
Lizzie’s now recovered after three weeks of feeling below par. The kids are generally healthy. I wrecked my back over the weekend and spent yesterday lying prostrate. All in all, we are very happy and blessed, and thank God for all His goodness to us.
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