‘Choose Life’ Live and Unleashed!

Dear GLO Team, 

Greetings from Burundi! I hope this finds you well.

After last week’s launch in London, my new daily devotional ‘Choose Life’ is now fully live and unleashed officially, and here is the big plug and sell if you haven’t had it already!

Choose life

Thanks to all those who have already bought 100, 30, 20, 10, 5  copies or however many to sell on or give away to friends and family. We’re already on a second print run.

It’s packed with juicy quotes, anecdotes, humour, challenge, encouragement – and already emails are coming in of how it’s touched people’s lives.

Beautifully, Amazon have sold out, but even if they’ve fixed that now, do order through us by contacting 

Len@greatlakesoutreach.org right now(!)

so GLO gets the money rather than Amazon! And I’d love it if you bought a few to get it out even further through your church/friendship network. It’d be a perfect Christmas present or for your home group buddies

Click on Choose Life Promo if you want a taste in under 2mins.

I’m just back from a weekend upcountry. We as a team got to reach out to 31 schools and see many lives changed. Beautiful! Thanks for all your ongoing prayers and support.

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