Category: Inspiration

Forcing God into a Good Bargain…

Yesterday two men tried to force their way into our home, pretending to be from the water company. In an unconnected incident an hour later, a man was shot dead 50m away. That is my context… “God, you can do anything to me, just take care of my kids, then you’ve got yourself a deal.” That’s how I try to bargain with God. Others try to bargain with God over money, sex, free time, possessions. But does God bargain with us?                  

Get Ready, Live Ready!

This article recently appeared here for the Evangelical Alliance.   Once I was preaching near the Congolese border. My sermon text was Matthew 25 – the parable of the ten maidservants. Those ten all had a role to play at the wedding, but five of them didn’t have enough oil in their lamps. It’s a straightforward story, and it doesn’t need much explaining. My three points were simply, i) Jesus is coming, ii) nobody knows when, iii) but are you ready? Some responded to my appeal at the end, others didn’t. In any case, two days later I was driving […]

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