Category: GLO

From Blood-Sucking Jiggers to Jesus in Burundi!

I hope you’ve had a good summer. We’re back in Burundi now, and we didn’t give the kids the time to get despondent about returning to school – we left the UK at 345am yesterday, arrived at our home in Bujumbura at 9pm, and nearly overslept but made it to the school start at 730am today. I wanted to give some quick feedback on my favorite activity of the year, our annual summer outreach for two weeks in August. In the end, we sent out 525 young people. A few were arrested for short periods because of the local authorities’ […]

Potentially the Most Fruitful Outreach on the Planet These Two Weeks!

Greetings! From tomorrow, Sunday 6th August until the 20th August, we will be conducting our annual massive apostolic outreach campaign for the 12th year in a row. 565 people are being sent out in 21 different areas, partnering with 192 churches. Trusting as with all those previous campaigns, many thousands of people will come to know Jesus at this time. There have been so many stunning stories of God’s miraculous power over those years, including demons being cast out, cripples walking, blind seeing, deaf hearing, mute speaking, witchdoctors burning their charms and submitting to the Highest Power, and last year’s resurrection: […]

A New Hospital, an MBE, Leadership Handover, and More…!

The last three days have been truly memorable: on Friday we had the official ceremony for the launching of the building of a hospital. On Saturday it was a huge televised first graduation of GIA students, and Lizzie and I were awarded MBEs. On Sunday, we celebrated the extraordinary 17 years of YFC’s growth, a book launch, and handover of leadership. More below… Wow! Giving a succinct summary is a challenge. I have such a sense of joy, satisfaction, elation and anticipation for the future, amidst the ongoing extraordinary challenges we face in this beautiful but broken nation. Friday’s ceremony […]

Reversing the Death Sentence in Burundi…

If you get cancer in Burundi, you die (unless you can find and and then pay for one of the few surgeons in the country to surgically remove it in its entirety before it spreads). There is no other treatment. There has never been any other treatment. Chemotherapy and radiation are alien concepts, unless you are rich enough to fly elsewhere to get it. In Burundi, 100% of those who get unresectable cancer die – usually a horrible, protracted, painful death.   Until now.   Yesterday I was at Kibuye Hope Hospital. They are the first to introduce chemotherapy in Burundi. It’s historic, […]

Arriving Bang on the Money in Burundi…

This is most definitely worth the read. I share it for three reasons – 1) it shows how incredibly tough life is in Burundi, 2) despite the toughness, or maybe because of it, it highlights the depth of faith of folks I get to interact with, and 3) it shows the beauty of God’s faithfulness through your giving to GLO so we can provide hope and rescue to many out here. So the context: A few weeks ago, I gave a financial gift from one of our supporters to a widower friend called Peter (actually names are changed to protect […]

Killers and Killed Working Together

Dieudonne’s father was a respected judge, a community leader, a man of peace. But in 1993, amidst many hideous atrocities of war, he was murdered by being buried alive in a pit. They say time is a healer, but also confronting the hurts of the past is crucial. It was years before DD was allowed back to see the site where his father had been killed. However, as a beautiful testimony of what God had done in his heart, he sought out one of the men responsible for his father’s murder. They were able to embrace, give and receive forgiveness, […]

Great Lakes Outreach Great Lakes Outreach is a network of passionate people of faith who are reaching out to meet the spiritual and physical needs of the last, the lost and the least in Burundi, Central Africa. Great Lakes Outreach (GLO) is a charity that works for the spiritual and physical development of the people of Burundi, located in the Great Lakes region of Central Africa. We partner with local Christian organisations to share God’s message to fund sustainable projects that transform lives. GLO was founded in 2003 by Simon Guillebaud in response to massive needs of the country. Simon recognised the […]

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