Bonking on a Bike for Burundi?
The Bike for Burundi blog is turning into a book, which could be out within weeks, as I’m nearly finalized. I just need a strong title. Some of you will be horrified by what I proposed: ‘Bonking on a Bike for Burundi’ (‘bonking’ is the technical term for losing all energy in cycling). Anyways, it’s been rejected by people I trust, and my folks threatened to disown me, which was a strong disincentive!
So, please help me: what should the title be? At the moment, it’s plain ‘Bike for Burundi’ with subtitle ‘3,000miles of Blood, Sweat and Tears Across America’. What would grab you? ‘Pedaling for Pygmies’? I don’t know.
So I hereby invite you to submit your suggestions!
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