Bleeding but Unbowed in Burundi…

This is the story of my buddy Ephraim’s near-fatal return to Burundi from the Congo. God had told him to come back to his nation to preach forgiveness and reconciliation. Even when taken by rebels and tortured, his faith remained unshakeable that he would survive to do what God had called him to. Despite being battered and broken, he told them: “You will not be able to kill me, because God is sending me back to Burundi to preach the Gospel.” His last words to them before they left him for dead were: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”


With this ‘More Than Conquerors’ series, I want to keep telling the great stories of wonderful people I get to work with, to counteract the almost universally negative narratives that keep coming out of this part of the world. Things are tough, but we’re still standing! Please keep praying for us as we seek to be part of the solution here.


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  • Thank you for sharing this Simon. We live a very sheltered existence here in the UK.

    • Yes, and here in Canada as well. Our problems seem so minor as compared to what is happening in other parts of the world.

  • Ephraim’s story is incredibly powerful. Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us! Blessings from another war torn country.

  • Feel so humbled hearing Ephraim’s story rather an ordeal!…. whow Praise God for such passion & sacrifice- truly truly amazing l!…… we know nothing in this country about this kind of oppression- so ‘thank you’ Ephraim – God has mightily used you because of your faithfulness!……God bless you &
    You too Simon & family x

  • Such an inspirational story. I feel truly humbled to belong to a family of people such as Ephraim and yourself, Simon. May the Lord continue to bless your labours in his Name.

  • A comment, whatever it would say, would be crass. Thanks for sharing Ephraims story.


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