Anti-COVID Good News Story from Burundi!
Amidst so much legitimate doom and gloom, GLO wants to share stories of hope, joy and life to encourage you. I hesitate to share this particular story because you could think I’m self-promoting, but where Ida mentions me, substitute ‘GLO’. It illustrates exactly what we’re about. Not just the big nationwide-influencing stuff, but also helping the last, the lost, the least. Committing to change over the long haul. One at a time.
At one point orphaned, Ida had no idea how her life would turn out. Unable to support herself, she had no hope. GLO was able to come alongside her and support her schooling, lodging, food, and other basic needs.
So here’s a heart-warming 40sec clip of Ida at her graduation.
Well done Ida, we’re proud of you! And now we’ve set her up with a printing business, so do pray she can make it work.

Meantime, the other young lady, Dorine, now lives in Kenya and is married to a pastor there. Here’s a photo of her with husband Silas.
Both ladies’ lives totally transformed, beautiful!
I know a number of you got behind them in finance and prayer, so thank you, and their victory is yours!
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