Aiming for the Best in Burundi…

In March 2008, I wrote a call to action that has now been beautifully fulfilled. I’ll paste it again below to remind you of it, if you want to be inspired afresh by what God has done. And nearly five years on, we stand on the brink of the next phase…

What were we trying to do?

  • Build the best dedicated conference centre in Burundi – we’ve done that! It’s called the King’s Conference Centre, because it belongs to the King!
  • Model excellence in Jesus’ name – we’re doing that! We’re currently the no.1 hotel in Burundi on www.TripAdvisor, and we pride ourselves on giving all our customers a great experience. Many talk of the ‘special’ atmosphere and joy they sense in this place.
  • Generate funds for God’s work around the country – we’re doing that! Healthy profits from our many conferences are being ploughed back into youth camps, pastor training, weekend outreaches and more.

Rv-1t Rv-1t
Rv-1t Rv-1t

It’s beautiful! By God’s grace, we’ve delivered on what we set out to do.

Where am I going with this? 

Lizzie and I have just started a 40-day prayer challenge by Mark Batterson called ‘Draw the Circle’. I strongly recommend it. We’d be the first to tell you, our praying together as a couple has been weak. Well, hopefully things are about to change. At 6am each morning, we’re now on our knees together. We’re on Day 2, and this is what we’ve just read (which has prompted me to write to you all):

He talks of receiving a phone call one day. The voice on the end of the line said: “We want to give you $3 million dollars. No strings attached. We love your vision and trust your leadership. Some people wouldn’t know what to do with that money, but you have vision beyond your resources.” 

Vision beyond your resources…

$3 million dollars – that’s what we now need for KCC Phase 2 – exactly the same sum I’ve been praying for for the last few years. We’ve got the neighbouring land and plans are already drawn up. In fact, building is due to start this month. It’ll mean we can make $500k in profits each year to transform tens of thousands of lives. Others are copying what we’ve done because they’ve seen how successful we are, so we need to keep ahead of the game.

I’m asking you to pray with me please. To the Infinite God, all finites are possible. We too have vision beyond our resources. I’m not asking for your money. Very few people can put a significant dent in that massive sum. God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He is no man’s debtor.

God bless you!

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