A Strong Bride on a Mission…

Listen to Onesphore, the new GLO National Director, as he shares his vision for the Church in Burundi, and what we are trying to do to help. It’s a big dream, and we’ll need lots of support as our network expands. Since this film was taken, we’ve drawn in folks from Malawi, Congo, Tanzania, Angola and Uganda for training. Love it! If this gets your juices going and you want to help, do get in touch.


  • So good to see and hear Onesphore, whose name has been known to me for a long time! How good that God led him firmly and clearly to become your successor in-country. I like his manner of speaking with conviction!
    Praying for all at GLO and the Guillebaud family.
    I hope you are having some rest before starting your travels!

  • Nore Pere, toi qui es dans les cieux, que tu sois reconnu pour Dieu, que ton regne vienne, que ta volonte soit faite, et tout cela, dans Burundi comme au ciel, dans le formidable nom de Jesus Christ, Amen!

  • “When the church is divided it is weak” Such a great message!

  • Praise God, he seems to be an anointed man, full of vision for the future of the church in Burundi. May the Lord help and strengthen him in his new role. Ilse


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